Memories for a lifetime ... final blog

This is my final blog of the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic experience and I am writing it on the plane journey home. As the rest of the passengers’ sleep, I find myself in darkness and unable to relax. I am still filled with adrenaline and reflecting on what was an utterly amazing experience over the last three weeks. I have opened my laptop and the bright light of the screen is willing me to capture a few final thoughts for you all and for my memories. The Olympics as a supervisor Pyeongchang 2018 Officiating Supervisor Team When I retired from refereeing I didn’t think anything would top my gold medal experience in Sochi. I was wrong. Being part of the Olympic as a supervisor is so much more rewarding than I ever thought possible. I feel privileged for the opportunity and humbled to have played a small role in supporting others to live their Olympic dream. Many of the officials at this Olympics were my peers. I ...